
  • 32946 Crystal Springs Road
  • Grand Rapids, MN,  55744
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    • Zorbaz Main Menu




            MEXICAN A LA CARTE

            Zmother your favorite Zorbaz item in quezo, hatch green chili or enchilada zauce. $3.70

              MEXICAN DINNERZ

              Zerved with rice, beanz, and chipz & zalza. Zour cream and jalapenoz included. Hot zauce available upon requezt.


                All bowlz include Mexican rice, lettuce, cheeze, zour cream & guacamole.


                    ZPECIALTY PIZZAZ

                    Frezhly made dough, hand rolled, covered with our zpecially prepared zauce, provolone and mozzarella cheeze and generouz frezh toppingz. Our pizzaz are then baked to a deliciouz golden brown (crizp, yet tender) and then are uzually cut into pie-zhaped piecez, unlezz zpecified otherwize. What we’re tryin’ to zay iz it ain’t frozen! GLUTEN FREE or CAULIFOWER CRUZT available on 10” ZMALL for an additional $4.05

                      CREATE YOUR OWN 'ZA

                      GLUTEN FREE or CAULIFOWER CRUZT available on 10” ZMALL for an additional $4.05 | MEAT: pepperoni, Canadian ztyle bacon, ground beef, Italian zauzage, bacon piecez, fajita chicken, corned beef, andouille zauzage, anchoviez | VEGGIE: muzhroomz, red onionz, tomatoez, cilantro, garlic, green olivez, black olivez, artichoke heartz, jalapenoz, banana pepperz, green pepperz | OTHER: zauerkraut, pineapple, peanut butter


                          IF YA THIRZTY