Additional Information

  • Veterinarians
  • Wellness Exams, Spay/Neuter, Surgery, Dental Care, Boarding, Mircrochipping, Avian Medicine & Surgery, Exotic Pets, Nutrition Counseling, Emergency Vet, Acupuncture, Vaccinations, Laser Therapy, X-Rays
  • 1974

About Us

  • Willamette Veterinary Hospital is a full-service animal hospital offering 24hr emergency and critical care. Our mission is to provide clients and their pets with high-quality, progressive, and compassionate veterinary care. In order to do so, we encourage our team of highly motivated and innovative staff; and provide them with the necessary skills, training and education. We have continued to maintain our American Animal Hospital Association accreditation since 1974, providing exceptional veterinary diagnostics and treatments. Our philosophy is to always maintain the highest standard in veterinary medicine and educate our clients in a professional, honest and respectful atmosphere. We strive to strengthen the human-animal bond and provide a positive addition to our community. We are here to service the cities of Corvallis, OR, Albany, OR, Lebanon, OR, Philomath, OR, Newport, OR, Toledo, OR, Sweet Home, OR, Monroe, OR, Dallas, OR, Eugene, OR and more!

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