Additional Information

  • Nursing Homes
  • 24-hours support and care, alzheimer's care, assisted living, concierge services, dementia care, dining experience, family support advisor, hair salon, health and wellness, housekeeping, independent living, laundry services, medication assistance, memory care, restaurant-style dining, small-scale living and social environments, social activities, transportation services, wireless-based safety systems

About Us

  • OUR CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE STORY We began operating our Chattanooga community in early 2020, with the goal of making significant improvements and becoming an exceptional community for seniors and their families. The Terrace at Mountain Creek is an amazing community for older adults. We take pride in investing in great people, innovative care, and resources to help support families of older adults. This community employs approximately 70 local team members, partners with numerous local businesses, supports local community causes, and proudly pays local property taxes. We see ourselves as a a vital part of creating a thriving local community in Chattanooga.

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