Additional Information

  • Veterinarians
  • Wellness Exams, Vaccinations, Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Dental Care, Boarding, Laser Therapy, Spay/Neuter, Microchipping, Preventative Care, Ultrasounds and Xrays, MMP, Modified Maquet Procedure

About Us

  • If you’re looking for a place where your pet can receive high-quality care by a team of caring veterinary professionals, look no further! Our animal hospital in Solon has been providing veterinary care to dogs, cats, and exotics for years, and we look forward to many more. With a wide range of advanced tools and technology available, we can meet virtually all of your pet’s basic wellness needs, whether it’s a spay/neuter procedure, orthopedic surgery, or X-rays. We are proud to also have a team of veterinarians and support staff who all share the same goal of making and keeping pets well through every life stage. We are here to service the cities of Solon, OH, Bedford, OH, Twinsburg, OH, Macedonia, OH, Chagrin Falls, OH, Oakwood Village, OH, Aurora, OH, Northfield, OH, Bedford Heights, OH, Cleveland, OH and more!

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