Additional Information

  • Cancer Treatment Centers
  • Biological therapy, Chemotherapy, Hormone therapy, Immunotherapy, Integrative medicine: acupuncture, exercise, lymphedema prevention & treatment, massage, yoga, Radiation therapy, Brachytherapy, Radiosurgery, Surgery, Mammograms, Breast MRI, Breast ultrasound

About Us

  • A cancer diagnosis can be scary, confusing and overwhelming, whether it’s you or someone you love. At Providence Holy Family Hospital, cancer is never something you go through alone. Our Cancer Services team will guide all aspects of your cancer care, offering the most advanced treatments, promising clinical trials and support services. We recognize the importance of stopping cancer before it starts and catching it early through our screening and prevention programs. From our state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and treatments to our attentive staff who know that a friendly ear and caring touch can often be powerful medicine, we’ll be by your side no matter where you’re at on your cancer journey.

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