Additional Information

  • Veterinarians
  • Wellness Exams, Puppy & Kitten Exams, Senior Wellness Exams, Dental Exams, Dermatology, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Spay & Neuter, Laser Therapy, X-Ray, Urgent Care

About Us

  • Now Accepting New Clients! Picture Hills Pet Hospital is located at 6519 N. Cosby Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64151 in the Picture Hills Shopping Center. We are proud to be a part of Kansas City and have been supporting this community’s dogs and cats since 1989, with no plans to stop any time soon! Our top-of-line facility is equipped to handle every aspect of veterinary care from preventative medicine to emergency services. From new puppies and kittens to graying seniors, we are there every step of the way. Our comprehensive suite of veterinary services ensures that every aspect of their wellbeing is given the excellent care they deserve. At Picture Hills Pet Hospital, we’re more than a team, we’re a family. We’re devoted to building relationships with our clients and patients while supporting one another. We have a genuine love of all animals and enthusiastically strive to provide the best care for every pet that comes through our doors. We are here to service the cities of Kansas City, MO, Parkville, MO, Gladstone, MO, N. Kansas City, MO, Platte City, MO, Kansas City, KS, Riverside, MO, Lake Waukomis, MO, Weatherby Lake, MO, Independence, MO and more!

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