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  • Wrongful Death Lawyers

About Us

  • About Us Are you looking for the best wrongful & accidental death lawyer in Orlando, Florida? No one can claim to be the best. But we have recovered millions of dollars for our clients, and received many prestigious industry awards for being top lawyers. We handle wrongful death cases throughout the state of Florida. We only accept serious & catastrophic accident cases, many of which caused the accidental death of those involved. Wrongful death is typically divided into two major classifications: wrongful death by medical malpractice, and all other wrongful death, typically caused by negligence other than medical, like wrongful death caused by auto accidents, negligent security (like being shot in a business parking lot), or other freak accidents. Our team of wrongful death lawyers have all won many prestigious awards, and helped many families deal with the shock, grief, and outrage after they’ve lost loved ones as a result of tragic accidents. We spend the time needed to make sure these families get the best possible representation we can provide -- and delve into the details of the accident itself, and the grief of surviving family members -- which is part of what we have to prove in court to get the highest and best settlement or verdict for surviving victims of wrongful death accidents. The evidence needed to prove wrongful death cases varies depending on the type of accident. Again, the main two categories are wrongful death based on medical malpractice, and all other types of wrongful death. Wrongful death caused by medical malpractice has a much higher burden of proving doctor negligence. Wrongful death caused by other accidents usually requires “only” that we prove regular negligence -- meaning someone failed to do something that they should have done, which led to an accidental death. Wrongful death caused by negligent security requires us to prove that there had been at least one, if not multiple, similar crimes in the same location. Then we have to prove that the business owner failed to provide sufficient security, which led to the attack, and subsequent death. Only certain categories of survivors can pursue Florida wrongful death claims. Generally the best people to file wrongful death lawsuits are spouses and minor children 25 years old or younger at the time of death. There are many other nuances to wrongful death law, which are different from other types of accidents & malpractice. We routinely handle questions & cases related to wrongful death law. So, if you have questions, please give us a call today for your free consultation related to your potential wrongful death lawsuit.

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