Additional Information

  • Electricians

About Us

  • Niobrara Electric is a nonprofit, rural electric cooperative, which has been in business since 1941. NEA serves the beautiful ranch and farm country of Niobrara County, parts of Weston, Goshen, Platte and Converse Counties in eastern Wyoming; Sioux County and part of Dawes County in western Nebraska; and part of Fall River County in South Dakota. Niobrara Electric's headquarters is located two miles west of the town of Lusk, Wyoming. Today, NEA has 1,163 members serving 3,116 meters with 2,282 miles of line, which translates to 1.26 consumers per mile of line. Don't let the sparse population of the area and Niobrara Electric's small size fool you though. Niobrara Electric's board of directors and employees are committed to our member/consumers, by providing the best electric service possible, as well as many value added services, at fair, stable rates.

PowerListings Synced

    • Yext PowerListings