Additional Information

  • General Medicine, Addiction Treatment, Internal Medicine, Hospitals & Medical Centers
  • Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Heart Disease, Asthma and COPD, Annual Physical Exams, Minor Injuries, Worker's Compensation, Radiology
  • Addiction Medicine, Counseling, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine

About Us

  • About Us Montgomery Family Care is a premier internal and family medicine practice in Sterling, Kentucky. The practice is staffed by experienced physician Taufik Kassis, MD, and his skilled team. We offer cutting-edge treatments to patients of all ages in a friendly, welcoming environment. The team at Montgomery Family Care is highly-trained in internal and family medicine. They provide on-site radiology services (X-rays and ultrasounds), electrocardiograms (EKGs), pulmonary function tests, 24-hour heart monitors, and other highly effective diagnostic tests. They can admit patients directly to hospitals if needed to ensure the best health care available. Providers at Montgomery Family Care offer sick visits, wellness exams, annual physical exams, vaccinations, and other preventive medicine services. They treat patients with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), heart disease, diabetes, minor injuries, and workplace injuries, including workers’ compensation cases. Montgomery Family Care specialists maintain their medical credentials through continuing education, staying current with the latest advances in family and internal medicine. They enjoy providing exceptional primary care to patients and welcome them to the practice. Call the office or request an appointment at Montgomery Family Care online today.

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