Additional Information

  • Tutoring & Instructors, Tutoring & Instructors (Education), Nanny & Child Care
  • Math Homework Help, Math Instructions, Advanced Math Tutoring, Elementary School Math Tutoring, Middle School Math Tutoring, Online Math Tutoring, Personalized Math Tutoring, Math Summer Program

About Us

  • We know how to teach your child math! Our unique approach combined with our engaging instructors allows us to effectively explain math concepts well and lend a helping hand to every student. Our instructors foster a caring, encouraging environment that helps students thrive and learn. We pinpoint your child's learning needs, meet them where they are, and take them where they need to go. Using our unique assessment process we are able to determine (with great accuracy) exactly what each child knows and what they need to learn. From there we design a customized learning plan which when mixed with our special brand of teaching, leads to happy kids who even (on occasion) confess they now love math!

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