Additional Information

  • Veterinarians
  • Wellness Exams, Dental Care, Senior Wellness, Vaccinations, Laser Therapy, Surgery, Microchipping, In-House Laboratory, Spay & Neuter
  • 1973

About Us

  • Welcome to the Grayling Hospital for Animals. Located in Grayling, Michigan, we have been proudly and compassionately serving our clients since 1973. Our mission is to create a friendly, educational atmosphere for clients and employees, which enables us to provide quality, progressive health care for all of our patients. Each member of our staff is qualified and well-trained. From surgeons to technicians, each offers the skills required to make your pet comfortable in a time when they may otherwise be nervous and in pain. This comfort level extends beyond your pet to you and your experience as well. You can always expect to see a friendly and familiar face when you arrive.

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