Additional Information

  • Veterinarians
  • Wellness Exams, Dental Care, Online Pharmacy, Laser Therapy, Microchipping, Spay/Neuter, Surgery, Vaccinations, In-House Laboratory, In-House Pharmacy, Nutrition Counseling
  • 2004

About Us

  • Fort Street Veterinarian is a full-service Omaha vet clinic founded in 2004 on the principle that people matter as much as their pets. Our mission, as your choice of Omaha vet clinics, is to provide the best possible veterinary care for your pet, while maintaining honest and open communications with you, the owner. We involve you in each step of your pet’s care. We listen to you so that we have a better understanding of you and your pet’s unique situation and the many, personal factors that go beyond his or her medical condition. Plus, we spend all the time necessary explaining your pet’s medical needs and treatment options and answer all the questions that you may have so that you can make well-informed decisions. In addition, because we seek to provide the best possible veterinary care for your pet, we also pursue continuing education opportunities that focus on professional knowledge and skills, as well as personal growth. Our hope is that you always have good experiences at Fort Street Veterinarian and that you always feel as though you are a part of our pet health family. We are here to service the cities of Omaha, NE, Bennington, NE, Elkhorn, NE, Blair, NE, Gretna, NE, Waterloo, NE, Bellevue, NE, Council Bluffs, IA, Yutan, NE, Papillion, NE and more!

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