Additional Information

  • Acupuncture, Alternative Medicine
  • English, Spanish
  • House Calls

About Us

  • My role as a Doctor of Oriental Medicine is to help people find balance in their physical, mental, and emotional lives, and provide the treatments, and tools so they are empowered to re-establish balance within the fluctuations of their life. Illness and pain are usually the result of imbalances caused by traumatic injury, poor diet, emotional stress, family history/genetics, overwork, poor physical posture (repetitive motion), weak immunity (bacteria and virus are everywhere) and poor sleep. Acupuncture and herbal medicine alone do not cure illness or ease pain. The doctor must advise the patient of changes that need to be made in their life. The patient and doctor work together to create balance and bring good health. Life will always have challenges, stresses, and fluctuations. Please call us to schedule - We now offer House Calls!

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