Cold Stone Creamery

  • 3001 W Cheltenham Ave
  • Ste 3020
  • Wyncote, PA,  19095
  • View Phone

Experience & Reliability


    Give Back

    Cold Stone Creamery is Sprinkling Kindness… and you can help! Add a Creation™ Donation to your cart and we will deliver an Ice Cream Creation to local heroes on the front lines. Or add a dollar to your order to support bstrong, founded by Bethenny Frankel.

      Create Your Own Creation™

        Signature Creations™

          Ice Cream Cakes

            Create Your Own Ice Cream Cakes & Novelties

              Might Like It

              Not sure if you've Gotta Have It? Try something new by adding a sample of one of our favorite flavors to your order!

                Cold Stone For Your Freezer


                    Ice Cream Pies