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About Us

  • For Route & Schedule info, please call!Created in 1979 as a Public Transportation Benefit Area, the Clallam Transit System (CTS) has grown to provide bus service to customers throughout Clallam County. The Port Angeles Gateway Transit Center is located at 123 E Front Street, just south from the Victoria Ferry terminal.The Sequim Transit Center is located at 190 W Cedar Street on the corner of 2nd and Cedar by City Hall in Sequim.The Forks Transit Center is located at 551 S Forks Avenue on the corner of Forks Ave. and "E" Street in Forks.Fare Structure Effective January 2013Category Single Base Monthly Monthly Cash Fare Base Pass Premium PassAdult (20-65) $ 1.00 $ 36.00 $ 54.00Youth (6-19) $ 0.50 $ 18.00 $ 36.00Disabled $ 0.50 $ 18.00 $ 36.00Senior (65+) $ 0.50 $ 18.00 $ 36.00Premium Route Surcharge - Routes # 30 and # 14 are designated as "Premium Routes" with an additional "surcharge" of $.50 in addition to each base fare and reduced base fare per trip when boarding from transit centers and stops along the routes. For adults, $1.00 (base fare) + $.50 (surcharge)= $1.50 / trip.For youth, senior and disabled $ .50 (reduced base fare) + $ .50 (surcharge)= $ 1.00 / trip DAR will require an additional pick-up "surcharge" of $ 1.00 in addition to base and reduced base fare.Please see our website for schedules, legal notices and press releases.

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