Additional Information

  • Addiction Treatment, Psychiatrists, Therapists & Counselors, Life Coach, Alternative Medicine
  • Medication-Assisted Treatment, Outpatient Addiction Treatment, Addiction Therapy, Drug Addiction Treatment, Suboxone Treatment Program, Vivtrol Treatment Program, Peer Recovery Support, Individual Counseling, Group Therapy

About Us

  • This is not your typical "drug rehab" program. At BrightView, we don't even use the term "rehab program." Our Colerain location is an addiction treatment center in Cincinnati, Ohio that provides comprehensive outpatient treatment to patients who are battling alcohol addiction or drug abuse. Our treatment approach for these diseases is evidence-based and effective. We offer medication-assisted treatment (MAT), individual counseling, group therapy, social service support, and also work on co-occurring disorders. We like to utilize an individualized approach for treatment options that will meet patients where they are. If you are seeking drug treatment for something like an opiate addiction, we will primarily prescribe buprenorphine, buprenorphine/naloxone (Suboxone), and naltrexone (Vivitrol). We do not currently prescribe methadone, many BrightView patients have transitioned from methadone to another medication during substance abuse treatment here. Our intensive outpatient treatment program enables our staff to develop unique treatment plans that have been designed to work with our patients’ daily life. This allows them to maintain their regular commitments and individual needs. This program accepts Medicaid, Medicare, and most forms of private insurance to make sure that this recovery option is available to anyone battling the disease of addiction and wants to receive our treatment services. We have a very caring staff who answers the phones 24-hour per day. If you or a loved one live in the Cincinnati area and are in need of help, please contact us. Our Colerain treatment facility accepts walk-ins every weekday until 3:00 pm. We are located at 6527 Colerain Ave. next to Kroger. The nearest intersection is Lapland Dr. and Colerain Ave or Route 27. When you meet our compassionate and professional staff at BrightView, they will create an accessible and welcoming environment that will offer both physical and emotional healing. We believe in respect for each patient, positive reinforcement, and long-term wellness. If you need a recovery center or addiction treatment program, please take the first step and contact us today.

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