Additional Information

  • Internal Medicine
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  • American Express, Android Pay, Cash, Check, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
  • Allergic Reaction - Minor, Asthma Attacks - Minor, Care On Demand, Cholesterol Screening, Common Cold, Comprehensive Blood Testing, Coughs, Cuts & Scrapes, Diabetes, Diarrhea, Ear Nose & Throat, Earaches & Ear Infections, Electrocardiogram, Fever, Flu & Flu Shots, Gynecology, Headaches, Internal Medicine, Laboratory Services, Minor Bug Bites & Allergic Reactions, Minor Rashes & Skin Disorders, Minor Wounds & Burns, Nausea, Nose Bleeds, Nutrition, Pediatric Emergency Care, Pink Eye, Pregnancy Testing, Rapid Flu, Strep Throat and Mono Testing, Respiratory Infections, School & Sports Physicals, Sinus Infections, Skin Care, Sore Throat and Strep, Sprains & Strains, STD Testing, UTI Treatment, Vomiting

About Us

  • Take control of your overall health and wellness with a primary care doctor. Baptist Health Primary Care is here to keep you and your family well. From school physicals and immunizations, to preventive screenings and lifestyle support, we’re your partner in good health.

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