Additional Information

  • Veterinarians
  • Wellness Exams, Boarding, Daycare, Dental Exams, Grooming, Surgery, Vaccinations, Spay/Neuter, In-House Laboratory, Microchipping

About Us

  • Located in Philomath, Ark Animal Hospital is a full-service small animal hospital. We also offer pet boarding. We provide complete care for our patients. Services include wellness care, surgical services, pharmacy, and pet boarding. We are here to service the cities of Philomath, OR, Corvallis, OR, Newport, OR, Alsea, OR, Blodgett, OR, Albany, OR, Waldport, OR, Toledo, OR, Eddyville, OR, Monroe, OR and more! Our mission is to enhance lives by providing compassionate healthcare to our communities' companion animals. We are a leader in medical and surgical care that provides peace of mind, education, respect, and support to companion animal caretakers

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