Additional Information

  • Veterinarians, Pet Boarding & Kennels
  • Wellness Exams, Vaccinations, Surgery, Spay/Neuter, Microchipping, Senior Care, Dental Care, Laser Therapy, MMP, Modified Maquet Procedure

About Us

  • At the Animal Wellness Center of Strongsville, pets are our passion. We provide comprehensive medical services for your companion animals. Our veterinary team is an experienced group who are bona fide pet lovers, too. We take care of all of your pet’s basic needs and so much more! Our capabilities include preventive medicine, advanced diagnostics, dental care, surgery, and more. With each service at our animal hospital in Strongsville, our ultimate goal is to give your pet a long, happy, and healthy life with you. We are here to service the cities of Strongsville, OH, Brunswick, OH, North Royalton, OH, Parma, OH, Berea, OH, Middleburg Hts, OH, Brecksville, OH, Cleveland, OH, Hinckley, OH, Brookpark, OH and more!

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