Additional Information

  • General Contractors, Concrete Contractors, Contractors, Painters, Demolition
  • American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
  • Electrical Contracting, Industrial General Contracting, American Metal Building Dealer, Design Builds, Concrete, Painting, Demolition, Tile Work, Metal Studs, Drywall, Insulation, Framing, Acoustic Ceiling, Rough Carpentry

About Us

  • The professional contractors at 3D Construction, LLC, offer a wide range of services to commercial and industrial property owners in the Mid-Ohio Valley. From painting to demolition and concrete work, our team performs quick work with quality equipment. Since our business opened over 15 years ago, we have worked with countless businesses on both sides of the Ohio River. Give us a call today and ask for more information on the construction services our contractors provide.

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