Additional Information

  • Physical Therapists, Massage Therapists, Sports Medicine, Orthopedics

About Us

  • You will make the right choice for the highest quality of care in the community by coming to us at Yorktown Physical Therapy, Cortlandt Manor location! Our physical therapists will perform a comprehensive evaluation and develop a treatment plan, to meet your goals. Our front office staff compliments the treatment staff by providing assistance with insurance questions, appointment needs, or other administrative questions.

    Physical therapists play an important role in the patients ability to perform physical activity and to maximize their capacity for movement. Physical therapists use their knowledge, skills, and experience to help patients take control of the movement that is critical to their lives.

    Physical therapists are experts in the musculoskeletal system. They are highly educated and licensed health care professionals that help patients reduce pain and improve mobility often without surgery or the side effects of prescription medications.

    Our Staff Has Extensive Experience in Treating:
    Back injuries and pain
    Neck injuries and pain
    Spinal surgeries
    Orthopedic injuries and surgeries
    Joint replacement rehabilitation
    Pain management
    Balance disorders and fall prevention
    Gait disorders
    Musculoskeletal weakness.
    Tendon injuries
    Repetitive motion injuries
    Sport related injuries and surgeries
    Deconditioning due to major illness
    Pregnancy related back pain
    TMJ disorders (Facial pain related to the jaw.)

    Your Initial Visit:
    An initial evaluation will be set at your convenience. It will include a thorough musculoskeletal evaluation and an explanation of the treatment plan and goals. Your physical therapist will be happy to answer any questions at that time.

    We accept most insurance carriers; Medicare, Oxford, P.O.M.C.O, Aetna, workers comp. no-fault, union insurance, etc.

    We do not accept Medicaid

    We do not do functional capacity exams.

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