Additional Information

  • Categories: Chiropractors
  • Services: Chiropractic Services
  • Specialties: Pro-Adjuster, DRX-9000
  • Year Established: 1995

About Us

  • Welcome to Williams Chiropractic! Our chiropractic clinic treats many conditions, including back pain, neck pain, slipped discs, and more. We offer the DRX 9000 that can treat herniated discs, sciatica nerve pain, spinal stenosis, and more — all without surgery. We also offer the Pro-Adjuster, which helps us to analyze the cause of your spinal pain and help it to move properly. Our mission is to help your body move more fluid and better overall through the use of chiropractic adjustments, which helps to reduce pain, restore your range of motion, and improve your overall posture and balance. Reach out to our chiropractors in Clemmons today!