About Us

  • At Dr. Crofts office, our goal and policy is to treat our patients as we would treat our families. We offer a high-quality, friendly service in a gentle, caring atmosphere. At all times our patients will be treated with respect, dignity, and compassion. We take pride in that all of our patients are friends and all of our friends are patients. Our most sincere wish is that when you visit Dr. Croft's office, you feel right at home.


    *One Visit Crowns
    *General Dentistry
    *Cosmetic Dentistry
    *Concious Sedation
    *Nitrous Oxide
    *Implants - Place & Restore
    *Featuring Cerec Crowns
    *Bitewing X-Rays
    *Panoramic X-Rays
    *Scaling and Root Planing
    *Amalgam Fillings
    *Composite Fillings
    *Professional Custom Whitening
    *Boost Power Whitening
    *Occlusal Night Guard
    *Root Canal
    *Electric Toothbrush and many more