
  • Animal Boarding
  • Animal Day Care
  • Animal Flea & Tick Control
  • Animal Grooming
  • Animal Microchipping
  • Emergency Veterinary Clinic
  • Small Animal Vet
  • Spaying/Neutering
  • Veterinary Declawing
  • Veterinary Dentistry
  • Veterinary Euthanasia
  • Veterinary Surgery
  • Veterinary Vaccinations


  • Call Westside Animal Hospital to schedule your pet's appointment today!

About Us

  • We are a full-service small animal veterinary hospital located in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Our three dedicated veterinarians and excellent support staff take great pride in providing your pet with the highest level of health care. Our state-of-the-art hospital features the latest in medical technology. Everything you may need for your pet is available in one place including outpatient care, hospitalization, surgery, radiology, laboratory, ultrasound, pharmacy, boarding, and grooming. Complementing our beautiful facility and commitment to quality medicine, our compassionate approach to our patients is equally important. We treat every pet as if it were our own. You will quickly discover what makes Westside Animal Hospital such a special place: that rare combination of modern medical care, personalized attention, and extraordinary service.