About Us

  • Let Villanovisions capture your special day using our film-style technique that's elegant, classic, timeless, and unobtrusive. No matter what your budget is, every production is important to us. Villanovisions is highly referred for their personal service and unique style.

    Serving all of New Jersey.

    At Villanovisions we provide the personal one-on-one Video Service that presents you with a very unique and creative Wedding Production. We focus on a Film Style procedure during the shoot of your Wedding Day to bring your production to a Movie Like Experience. We provide you with a one-on-one Consultation in our Office to discuss ideas and your personal input on how your final production will look. You will also experience viewing our work in Our New Real Life MOVIE THEATRE to view our work . This method assures you the Quality of work you will receive the way you want it!

    Your finished product will then be completed within 2 weeks after your Wedding Date!

    Villanovisions uses State of the Art Digital 3-Chip HIGH DEFINITION CAMERAS for High Resolution Quality. Shooting is done with Low Light Equipment, Everything is portable and we use Wireless Mics for Ceremony. We also use backup Cameras and Accessories. Your Videographer will be Dressed Professionally. Editing is completely done with Professional Computerized Non-Linear Digital Equipment. Your Final Edited Wedding will be Transfered to 3 DVD'S...Plus you will Receive all the RAW FOOTAGE as well on DVD.

    Villanovisions has specialized in Weddings for over 20 years and has grown to become one of the most Highest Referral Services in the Industry. No matter what your budget is, every Wedding Production is important to us. Villanovisions is a member of the New Jersey Videographer Association and won Silver in 2009 for Creative Excellence Award and was voted by THE KNOT Brides as Best Videographer in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Serving all of New Jersey.

Additional Information

  • Categories: Videographers, Consumer Electronics, Filmakers & Movie Studios, Photographers, Officiants, Wedding Planners
  • Payment Options: Cash, Check