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About Us

  • AG Urgent Care Centers treat illnesses and injury that can’t wait until the next day. If you cut yourself in the kitchen, you don’t want to wait for stitches! If you child sprains her arm at soccer practice you want to make sure it isn’t broken. You don’t want to wait for a clinician’s appointment at the end of the week. That’s what our urgent care centers are for – to make sure that minor illnesses and injuries are diagnosed and treated without long waits. When you need urgent medical care, you want to be seen quickly. We understand that and seek to provide care with short wait times. If you suffer strains, sprains, need stitches, have difficulty breathing, a sore throat, skin rash or believe you have suffered a minor break, the skilled emergency clinical staff at AG Urgent Care will take care of you. AG Urgent Care clinicians are trained in emergency medicine. They know how to treat your injury quickly and carefully, and reduce your pain. Whether your child was treated for hives or you had stitches, they will tell you how to care for the injury when you go home.