About Us

  • Doctors who chose to study with the University Of Wyoming Family Medicine Residency Program At Cheyenne know that health begins at home and realize each family member has unique health needs. With a strong focus on frontier and rural medicine, the program prepares physicians for deliver "best all-around care" to patients in a frontline environment. Doctors will learn to provide patient care at the Family Medicine Center in Cheyenne and beyond: training experiences also will take place at the Cheyenne Regional Medical Center, the Cheyenne V.A. Medical Center, local physicians' offices and local nursing homes in the outlying community.

    The University Of Wyoming Family Medicine Residency Program At Cheyenne allows doctors to learn with the following considerations:

    - A team approach
    - Procedural training
    - Daily conferences
    - Patient care
    - Research

    Graduates of the University Of Wyoming Family Medicine Residency Program At Cheyenne know that there's more to being a physician to just practicing medicine, especially in rural communities. Frontier and rural doctors are leaders and very influential among the populations they serve. Doctors and physicians can take advantage of the University Of Wyoming Family Medicine Residency Program At Cheyenne's unique opportunity to gain hands-on skills that can benefit patients for generations to come.