About Us

  • Since 1992, T.B.S. has listened to traveler complaints before and after casinos arrives. Locals had blamed casinos for a poor economy in restaurants, attractions, shops, historic sites, shops and downtown locations. In 1994, I contracted a software company to make a touchscreens with cell phone reservation access and printers for coupons and directions. These touchscreens were an easy sale, since my brochure company's clients in Pass Christian were the only survivor of the "casino shock" and small businesses needed help from a well traveled marketing consultant. As a gift to my clients, beore they bought their first computer, were hearing about being seen on the "web" in January of 1995 from government employees, before CNN broadcasted their web address. The tourism tax commissioners attacked my leadership with corrupt government money and lies at public meetings in front of Hotel/Motel association members. No casino showed support for me, even though I gave away advertising to casinos, hoping to build a relationship for a "together we stand approach to marketing" for the entire community. The Harrison County Tourism Commision, won their battle to keep me out of digital marketing, temporarily. This corrupt organization has grown to the southern three counties under one corrupt board of bankers, beverage companies, Petroleum companies that invested BILLONS in Mobile, Baldwin, Escambia county land and waterfront real estate in the 60s, 70s and 80s. IRS vs. Gulf Oil Company in Sept. 1990 broke up the 23 year partnership with Holiday Inn to destroy downtown life and colonize American life, as entrepreneurs are displaced by Mellon Bank of Pittsburg's unethical behavior. Select local banks played this game like a pro, and became among some of America's richest banks, headquartered in the poorest state. While IRS forces Gulf to sell to BP and Chevron, I was mentored by BP's Int. Mkt. VP and consultant to Royal Dutch Shell at Univ. of London Schoolof Economics.

Additional Information

  • Categories: Museums, Hotels, Beaches, Advertising & Marketing, Steakhouses, Retirement Homes & Communities, Casinos, Landmarks & Historical Buildings, Grocery Stores & Markets, Convention Centers
  • Payment Options: Visa