Additional Information

  • Associations: Lacey Chamber of Commerce, Southern Ocean County Chamber of Commerce, Greater Wildwood Hotel Owners Association, Bathtub Refinishers Association of America, Professional Bathtub Refinishers Association
  • Categories: Bathroom Remodeling, Office Cleaning
  • Year Established: 2008

About Us

  • We repair and refinish tubs, showers, tile, countertops in a variety of custom colors and finishes. We can save you up to 80% on bathroom remodeling Is your bathroom "OLD AND UGLY?".... we can make it look like new again in "Just One Day!" We refinish bathtubs, showers, wall tile, countertops to make them look like new at a fraction of the cost of total tear out remodeling. Some companines offer Bathliner Systems that are expensive and can create mold conditions due to trapped water and moisture. We refinish the existing tile and bath fixtures. The process takes usually one day and is usable the very next day. We can save you up to 80% of total remodeling cost. Surface Surgeon repairs chips, cracks or holes in fiberglass, steel or porcelain fixtures. We offer custom Stone Finishes for tile and counter tops. We make PERMANENT REPAIRS to cracked and leaking fiberglass or acrylic tub & shower bottoms. We service residential, commercial and institutional customers in the Monmouth County, Ocean County, Atlantic County, Cape May County and parts of surrounding areas. Call us today for a private consultation. "WE DO OUR BUSINESS IN YOUR BATHROOM"