Additional Information

  • Year Established: 1988
  • Categories: Massage Therapists, Mediation Services
  • Services: Sports Massage, Medical Massage, Reiki Master, Shamanic Healing Sessions, Shamanic Practice, Spiritual Guide, Spiritual Healing, Self Discovery, Spiritual Journey, Morning Meditation, Retreats, Shamanistic Ceremony, Individual Sessions, House Clearings, Wedding Ceremonies, Rite of Passage Ceremony

About Us

  • A Shamanic Journey with Bob White: Expanding consciousness, shifting consciousness, and personal transformation. The journey begins with the opening of the portal to the Sacred Realms. Bob White offers classes, retreats and special celebrations throughout the year, all within a dedicated space for learning, healing, expansion, dreaming and so much more. Stay up to date with news and updates on classes and events with Bob. You are invited to an opportunity to go deeper in your Shamanic work on a path of the Heart and the unknown.