Additional Information

  • Categories: Orthopedics, Surgeons, Doctors
  • Services: Trauma, Upper Extremity
  • Specialties: Hand And Upper Extremity Surgeon, Upper Extremity Trauma/Fracture Surgery, Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery, Rotator Cuff Repair, Total Shoulder Replacement, Elbow Replacement, Elbow Instability, Elbow Arthritis, Elbow Tendonitis, Tennis Elbow, Forearm Disorders, Upper Extremity Amputee Patient Care, Nerve Issues In The Upper Extremity, Open And Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release, Cubital Tunnel Release, Complex Wrist Surgeries, Hand Surgeries.
  • Year Established: 1955

About Us

  • Dr. Cook specializes in upper extremity surgery including trauma, shoulder arthroscopy, total shoulder arthroplasty, elbow arthroplasty, upper extremity nerve surgery (open and endoscopic carpal tunnel release, cubital tunnel release), as well as complex wrist and hand surgeries.