Additional Information

  • Categories: Wigs & Hair Pieces, Clubs & Organizations
  • Services: Hair Donation
  • Specialties: Hair Donation, Volunteer Time, Monetary Donation

About Us

  • Our values of integrity and sensitivity are an important part of who we are. The Saleh Hair Foundation is fully committed to community service, as well as growth and balance of the organization, by maintaining the highest quality in goods, services, and programs we provide. We ensure the highest standards in care, while respecting the dignity and privacy of our Ambassadors. The Saleh Hair Foundation is also dedicated to ensure donors that every penny given to the organization will be spent towards achieving our mission to help as many clients / Ambassadors as funding permits. Now Introducing our 50/50 Challenge, which is a fundraiser to raise $50K in 50 weeks, to support qualified families to receive hair prosthesis due to #Alopecia or #Cancer. Check out our site for more information and to donate today!