Additional Information

  • Categories: Acupuncture, Alternative Medicine, Pain Management, Sports Medicine
  • Services: Acupuncture, Back Pain, Migraines, Neck and Shoulder Pain, Cupping Therapy, Depression and Anxiety, Stress Relief, TMJ
  • Specialties: Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine, Pain & Sports Medicine Specialist

About Us

  • Release Integrative Medicine Release Integrative Medicine is an acupuncture and Chinese medicine practice in Charlestown, Massachusetts. Led by experienced Chinese/Japanese medicine practitioner and Certified Sports Medicine Acupuncturist® Tim Eng, the holistic practice helps patients release, rebuild, and renew their way to health by stimulating their natural healing abilities. The acupuncture and Chinese medicine practice integrates East Asian medicine techniques, exercise prescription, and massage to relieve stress, anxiety, and other factors that affect health and wellness.  Another valuable option, auricular medicine, an anatomy based diagnostic and treatment method, is a perfect complement to East Asian medicine and provides an alternative to those who shy away from needles. Release Integrative Medicine specializes in chronic pain relief and provides expert care for those suffering from back pain, migraines, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, and neck and shoulder pain. The practice also provides integrated care to help those struggling with depression and anxiety. Some of the services provided at Release Integrative Medicine include acupuncture, cupping therapy, Chinese botanical medicines, and stress relief. They also provide static and dynamic postural analysis. Treatments are individually designed based on patient reactions to the objective measurement of the acupuncture meridians and frequency-specific stimulus to ear points. The acupuncture and Chinese medicine practice uses both gentle and aggressive styles based on patient preference. To schedule an appointment, call the office or book online today.