About Us

  • Premier Suboxone Clinic West Monroe Louisiana, help for opioid or opiate addiction through suboxone or subutex recovery from pain medication or opiates with no withdrawals outpatient support and care from dedicated staff. Premier Suboxone Clinic understands addiction and knows how painful withdrawals can be. We can help you recover safely with the use of suboxone or subutex. We provide care and outpatient support to individuals in need of help recovering from addiction to all types pain medication or opiates. This can be a dangerous and painful process to do alone. We can offer the help you need to beat drug addiction painlessly with the assistance of Suboxone which will allow the individual to transition from addiction to recovery with no pain and no withdrawals. Opioids and opiates cause extreme discomfort and pain when the body is withdrawing. With the help of Suboxone or Subutex, you can move into recovery easily with no withdrawals. Our staff provides outpatient care and support.