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  • Year Established: 1985

About Us

  • Our practice is dedicated to providing quality medical and surgical care in the diagnosis and treatment of foot and ankle disorders for all age groups. Toenail Disorders & Diabetic Foot Care MYCOTIC (FUNGAL) TOENAILS Fungal (Mycotic) toenails is usually occurring in a person who has chronic Tinea Pedis (Athletes Foot) that has gone untreated. Once the toenail is infected, it is difficult to treat without professional help. Fungal toenails present as thickened, discolored and brittle nails and may initially appear as a cosmetic problem and isn't painful. But as time progresses and the toenails get thicker if the fungal infection is ignored, the infection can spread to other toenails and become very painful, impairing a person's ability to walk Treatment Over the counter preparations don't work; see your podiatrist, he or she may recommend a course of anoral antifungal in combination with a topical area gel or some other topical antifungal preparation. INGROWN TOENAIL An ingrown toenail occurs when the sides of the nail curves down and grows into the skin. This can make it painful to wear shoes and lead to infection. Ingrown toenails most often occur in the big toe Treatment Do not try over the counter preparations or bathroom surgery to treat an ingrown toenail. The least painful and quickest way to treat the problem is to see your podiatrist. He or she can offer solutions that are quick, easy and keep you on your feet Board Certified in Foot Surgery;Diabetic Foot Care, Corns, Bunions, Calluses & Fungus Nail. Heel Pain: Plantar Warts & Ingrow Nails Orthotics: Hammertoes, Sport Injuries & Ankle Sprains DIABETIC FOOT CARE There are over 17 million diabetic Americans, with 980,000 new cases diagnosed each year. There has been a 49% increase in the U.S. from 1990 - 2002 (Adult Type II). There has been an increased number of children due to physical inactivity and obesity. Diabetes is more prevalent in certain subpopulations such as African, Hispanic and Native Americans. Definition Diabetes is defined as a metabolic disorder resulting in high levels of blood glucose due to a defect in insulin secretion by the pancreas, insulin action on the cellular level or both. Classification Type I ? aka- Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM) or Juvenile Diabetes. These are children and young adults who produce no insulin. Makes up 5-10% of Diabetics. Type II ? aka Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM) or Adult onset Diabetes Mellitus. Usually occurs after 40 years, but is being seen in younger people and children due to obesity. Accounts for 90 ? 95% of Diabetics. They don't produce enough insulin or the body fails to properly use it. Gestational/Diabetes ? 5% of all pregnancies puts mothers at 63% increased risk of developing type II Diabetes. Sign & Symptom of Diabetes: Increase Thirst Increase Hunger Increase Urination Weight Loss Fatigue Blurred Vision Frequent Infections Slow Healing Wounds We File Insurance Office & Hospital Surgical Options.