Additional Information

  • Categories: Auto Repair & Service
  • Services: Auto Service, Engine replacements, Routine tuneups, Engine diagnostics, Transmission diagnostics, Transmission replacement, Transmission maintenance, Brake replacements, Brake pad and fluid changes, Tie rod ends and tie rod ends, Shock absorber replacements, Control arm repairs, auto air conditioning repair, Starters and alternators repair, Automatic window motors repair, Power steering repair

About Us

  • When your car or truck starts making weird noises, make a pit stop at Paul's Auto Service in Waite Park, MN. Our certified mechanics provide auto maintenance and repair services for any vehicle make, model or year. We'll run full diagnostics on your vehicle to determine the exact issue and provide long-term solutions. Paul's Auto Service has been serving the greater Waite Park, MN community for over 30 years. Our mechanics take the time to really understand your concerns and work hard to get your vehicle back in top condition. We pride ourselves on providing honest and upfront pricing, so you know you're getting quality work at the best rates.