About Us

  • Dr. Greg Oblander
    If you are interested in pursuing treatment in our office, you can expect to book an appointment that day. To better serve and understand your situation, your first appointment will include filling out important paperwork and health history questions that will help us cater your care to your specific needs. In most initial consultations, an adjustment will be provided. Currently, the cost of an initial consult and exam is free if you mention that you saw our website. After that, a regular adjustment costs $49.00. If you are familiar with the costs of visiting your local MD, we think you will recognize that we strive to keep the cost of treatment for our patients very reasonable.

    We do not specialize in one particular method of chiropractic treatment. Instead, we utilize several types of chiropractic adjusting in an effort to best provide for the specific needs of our patients. We love treating families and patients of all ages. We often find success in helping our patients reduce and/or eliminate headaches, increase mobility, and of course in alleviating back and neck problems. While we enjoy helping you feel better, we absolutely delight in promoting the overall wellness of our patients!