Additional Information

  • Categories: Therapists & Counselors, Weight Loss & Nutrition, Life Coach, Addiction Treatment
  • Services: Drug and Alcohol Control, Emotional Trauma, Spiritual Support, Clearing Negativity, Nutritional Revision, Physical Workout Routines, Activities, Day Trips, Workout Partnerships, Healthy New Relationships

About Us

  • Life carries many challenging and tiring situations that no one should bear alone. At times a simple conversation helps; however, sometimes you need a whole new strategy for change. Oasis Healing Institute is comprised of a group of caring individuals who want to change the traditional approach to “Rehabilitation.” By caring for and helping our clients overcome detrimental habits through the development of healthy new life patterns and achieving fun along the way we can assist individuals to accomplish so much more in their recovery leading to a healthy lifestyle. Oasis will be that constant force that helps you navigate through the next chapter of your life with fulfilling happiness. You hold the key and we want to help you unlock your spiritual potential and overall well-being.