Additional Information

  • Categories: Weight Loss & Nutrition, Hospitals & Medical Centers, Alternative Medicine, Special Education
  • Languages: English

About Us

  • The discovery of how easy it is to stay healthy prompted the creation of the NuSpecies mission. Sickness is not a mystical force that arbitrarily raids our bodies from outside our perceived bubble of health. We are the cause of our own dis-ease. All types of dis-eases begin, are perpetuated, and exacerbated by one foundational malignant behavior: Self-imposed chronic malnutrition through the absence of living, green foods in what we eat on a daily basis.

With this new knowledge our perception of life changed. All of our relatives and friends that have passed away and all those presently suffering from health problems can no longer be accepted as “facts of life”. When we began to educate people close to us about nutrition, we sadly realized there is a world full of humans that see dis-ease as unavoidable and don’t see how their eating habits are the reason for those dis-eases. With this many people to reach, and the urgency to educate to help save and prolong life, we found a way to make this our lives` work.

Immediately we partnered with scientists, doctors and herbalists to create an organic, raw, herbal blend that operates under the actual facts of L.I.F.E. It provides the body systems with the nutrients they need to operate vibrantly, causing incredible immune power from dis-ease. These are nutrients that people normally deny their body systems with bad food choices. This research evolved into our vision for NuSpecies Corporation, under which lives a non-profit NuFoundation, has culminated in an all-in-one herbal supplement, Body Systems L.I.F.E. and an online community discourse on living naturally, not normally.