Additional Information

  • Categories: Health Clinics, Hospitals & Medical Centers, Family Doctors
  • Services: Immunizations, 24 Hour Urgent Care, Allergies, Pain Management, Surgery, Diabetes, Cancer Screening, Blood Tests, Health Care Counseling, Travel Vaccinations, Persons with Disabilities, Geriatrics, Osteopathic Clinics, Family Practice, EKGs, Cardiology, Sports Medicine, Osteopathy, Headaches, High Blood Pressure Management, Prenatal Care, Pediatrics, Emergency Care, Wellness Programs, Diabetic Care, Surgical Center, Women's Health, Physical Exams, Geriatric Medicine, Adolescent Care, Vaccinations, Family Planning, Neurology, Asthma, Herpes, Mental Health, Urology, Postoperative Care, Urgent Care, Osteoporosis Screening, Direct Primary Care, Pregnancy Testing, Emergency Medical Services, Clinics, Ambulance Services, Inpatient Hospitals, Emergency Rooms, Outpatient Hospitals, Anesthesiology, Birthing Centers, Blood Banks, CT Scans, Diagnostic Imaging, Dialysis, EEGs, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Hematology, Intensive & Critical Care, Mammograms, MRIs, Respiratory Therapy, Ultrasounds, Rehabilitation, Acute Care, Pediatric Care, Skilled Nursing Care, Radiology, Transportation Services, Eye Ear Nose & Throat

About Us

  • Northside Medical Clinic in Ortonville, MN is a family practice clinic which is physically attached to the Ortonville Hospital for the convenience of our patients. The clinic currently serves a patient population base of 10,000. Our providers care for grandchildren to grandparents and everyone in between and specialize in preventive care, diagnosis and treatment of conditions and overall well being of our patients. The medical practice is committed to providing a full spectrum of health care for families including maternity care, pediatric care, minor surgery, geriatrics and international travelers health consultation. The medical staff at Northside Medical Clinic is a clinic committed to providing quality healthcare to you and your family.