Additional Information

  • Categories: Chiropractors, Acupuncture, Pain Management

About Us

  • Optimum Wellness Solutions formall known as Nannis Chiropractic Family Heath Center and Harrington Chiropractic is a unique healing experience that combines state of the art natural health techniques and diagnostics with a blend traditional philosophy.

    Our belief is the body is fully capable of obtaining and maintaining optimum health. Patients find the scientifically proven treatments married with the skillful art of Dr. Ray Nannis easily and painlessly alleviate the cause of their health problems with out the use of invasive drugs or surgery.

    Our mission is to get the sick well and keep the well from getting sick allowing each individual to express his or her potential in life. By educating and adjusting as many people and families as possible we release subluxating nerve interference and allow the omnipotent, omnipresent, healing energy to be fully expresses from within the body.

    The highly profession and loving staff serves the needs of children, adults, and seniors. The relaxed family environment promotes optimum healing. This combined with highly efficient procedures maximizes the result of care while minimizing the amount of time required for each visit making it easy for almost anyone to receive the benefits of chiropractic treatment. Our goal is to treat you like one of our family members and make your adventure to optimal health successful and enjoyable. We understand that your health is your most valuable asset. We also know that new experiences can be frightening which is why we emphasize explaining each step of your care so that is easily understandable. This gives you the power to make educated decisions and take control of your health care.

    Nannis Chiropractic Family Health Center offers corrective care or short term care and provides you the information necessary to make a personalized, informed decision. In most cases patients experience exceptionally quick relief from annoying health conditions. Many choose to correct the c