Additional Information

  • Year Established: 2005
  • Categories: Auto Repair & Service, Tire Dealers, Truck Repair & Service, Towing Service, Motorcycle Repair, Auto Parts (Used & New)
  • Services: Brake Repair or Replacement, Tire Repair or Service, Engine Repair or Service, Oil Change, Tune Ups, State Inspection, Emissions Inspection, Emergency Towing, Roadside Assistance, Transmission repair, Exhaust & Muffler service, Power Steering, Water Pump replacement, Battery testing & replacement, Alternator testing & replacement, Tailers repair and service, Wheel Services, Power seat repair & replacement, Serpentine Belt Inspection & replacement, AC Air Conditioning Services, Cooling System services, Shocks & Springs, Automotive Electrical, ECU Electronic Control Unit, Automotive Windows, Headlights, Filter Replacement, Fleet Construction Vehicle Service, Fleet Truck Vehicle Service, Fleet Government Vehicle Service, Fleet Municipal Vehicle Service, Fleet Police Vehicle Service, Fleet EMS Vehicle Service
  • Specialties: Fleet vehicle service, same and next door automotive service
  • Payment Options: American Express, Cash, Check, Discover, Invoice, MasterCard, Traveler's Check, Visa
  • Brands: Fiat-Chrysler Automobiles, ford, Volkswagen, Toyota, Hyundai, Honda, Chevrolet, Kia, Mazda, Nissan, Buick, dodge, mini cooper, bmw, Subaru, lexus, Audi, volvo, General Motors, Mitsubishi, bosch, bilstein, koni, ebc, hks, acdelco, motorcraft, flowtech, the timken company, weathertech, moog suspension, carquest, cozza, spectra premium, bendix corporation, interstate, haltech, dynomax, michelin, goodyear, continential, bfgoodrich, bridgestone, cooper, falken, pirelli, toyo, yokohama
  • Languages: english

About Us

  • At Montour Auto Shop, we pride ourselves in giving our customers an honest assessment and a fair price. We know that our customers are tasked with trying to sift through countless service shops, without the benefit of understanding what is really going on with their automobile or how to fix it, much less, what a fair price would be.Our work is always done with integrity so that the problems are really addressed for a price that is reasonable and fair. In many cases, we charge less than half the price of the labor rate at nearby shops.Unfortunately, there are a lot of auto shops out there that take advantage of the customer. We want you to know that differences in repair estimates are common, and that a lower estimate may not always include all necessary parts and procedures to properly repair your car.You, the vehicle owner, ultimately has the option to choose, Montour Auto Shop, as your preferred repair facility. With our attention to the finest details, we will give you the highest quality repair at a fair price.