Additional Information

  • Categories: Contractors, Mold Remediation, Home Remodel, HVAC Contractors

About Us

  • Serving Jackson, Memphis, Nashville, and surrounding areas. Mold inspections, testing with 24-hr lab results, remediation, prevention, waterproofing, drainage, antimicrobial sprayfoam insulation, and more. Mold Busters, LLC includes a complete line of ‘green’ products and services.

    We are professionally certified contractors, i.e., licensed, bonded, insured. We are experienced in residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional facilities mold remediation and restoration. Who Ya Gonna Call, Jackson, Memphis, Nashville, and surrounding areas? MOLD BUSTERS!

    Damage and depreciation costs of mold and mildew, robs your property of at least 10% of its total value. Mold Busters helps protects your investment by safeguarding your home. Health risks associated with mold can be removed from your home and sealed against future intrusion. Mold Busters goal is to PRESERVE your investment, PROTECT your family, and PREVENT mold in your home. Jackson, Memphis, Nashville, and surrounding areas - You CAN permanently keep mold out of your home.

    The Insurance Information Institute states, “Mold has become one of the most costly environmental claims today affecting property owners, builders/contractors as well as construction material manufacturers. A Mayo Clinic study linked nearly all the chronic sinus infections that trouble approximately 37 million Americans to mold. Recent studies have also linked mold to the tripling of the asthma rate over the past twenty years.

    Mold Busters offers five customizable solutions: (1) exterior surfaces – treatment of roof, siding, walkways, and decks; (2) hot zones – treatment of attic, crawlspace, and basement; (3) existing wall cavities – treatment of windows, doors, corners, plumbing chases; (4) new construction – treat the framing in conditioned and unconditioned spaces; and (5) interior of existing home – treat porous & nonporous surfaces such as upholstery, fabrics, door handles, drawer pulls, and so forth.

    Jackson, Memphis, Nashville, and surrounding areas - let us BUST the MOLD from your property! WE AIN'T AFRAID OF NO MOLD! Give us a call.