Additional Information

  • Categories: Bus Rental & Charter
  • Products: Freight Shipping, Trucking Services, Interstate Inventory Shipping, Customized Logistics, Specialty Shipping, Warehousing, Equipment Transportation, Freight Trucking, Container Transport, Landoll Services, Heavy Duty Flatbed Service, Land Shipping
  • Services: Freight Shipping, Trucking Services, Interstate Inventory Shipping, Customized Logistics, Specialty Shipping, Warehousing, Equipment Transportation, Freight Trucking, Container Transport, Landoll Services, Heavy Duty Flatbed Service, Land Shipping

About Us

  • Midwest Transport Specialists Inc. takes advantage of our large fleet of tractors coupled with Landolls or Flatbed trailers to provide customers with safe, easy transportation and trucking services options for just about any container or piece of equipment. We humbly started with one Landoll and have expanded rapidly, with 2 locations to serve you best; one in Kansas City and another in Marion, KY. We pride ourselves on our top-notch equipment and replace the trailers every five years to ensure the best freight shipping experience. We transport containers and equipment under 35,000 pounds to and from the field on a daily basis. We make it easy - one day the container is ready for pickup and the next it is exactly where we said it would be delivered. For reliable frieght trucking, call the professionals!