Additional Information

  • Categories: Auto Repair & Service, Tire Dealers, Auto Parts (Used & New), Truck Repair & Service
  • Services: Air Conditioning, Air Filter Replacement, Alternator Service, Battery Replacement, Belts & Hoses, Brake Systems, Clutch Repair, Computer Diagnostics, Diesel Service, Electrical, Emissions, Engine Repair, Exhaust System, Fleet Repair, Fuel Injection, Gas Service, Light Replacement, Mobile Repair, Oil Change, Power Steering, Preventative Maintenance, Radiator Service, Roadside Assistance, Shuttle Service, Suspension Work, Tire Pressure, Tire Sales & Service, Transmission Service, Welding
  • Payment Options: Cash, Check, Discover, Financing, MasterCard, Visa

About Us

  • Midwest Supply ‘N’ Repair of Clifford, ND, can handle any major or minor truck and auto repair. We have been delivering professional repair and maintenance services to the people of Clifford since 2018. The specialist team at Midwest Supply ‘N’ Repair uses the latest technology to make sure your vehicle is on the road quickly. Midwest Supply ‘N’ Repair is a certified NAPA Truck Service Center. We are able to provide the benefits of an established national entity while maintaining the personal touch of a family owned business. We understand that your vehicles are a major investment, and we work hard to keep them in excellent condition. Please be sure to go to our Promotions Section for our current promotions and specials. Come by and visit our clean and professional shop in Clifford, ND.