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  • Year Established: 1979

About Us

  • Masonry restoration is the phrase used for working with any form of masonry on an existing building or home that does not encompass actually building it. Restoration runs the gambit from tearing the masonry down and rebuilding to cleaning and sealing.Typically, masonry restoration is thought of in terms of tuck pointing, which, in itself, is a misnomer. Tuck pointing is a term for adding to a joint and its not what is typically thought of in the restoration process. There is a great deal of debate amongst the talking heads on the blogs and LinkedIn sites about the definitions, but suffice it to say, the proper term for removing a certain amount of mortar from a joint, and then replacing it with new is, technically, called repointing. (This, to me, also does not make much sense because any term that begins with re indicates that it has been done before.) In most cases, when the masonry on a building is restored, it is for the first (and hopefully the last) time. Therefore, to me, the term pointing should be used. I am quite sure that some mason is going to get ahold of this ruminating and debate me on it. (It didnt have to go far. The mason at the desk next to me began the debate immediately upon reviewing this article.)