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  • Categories: Auto Glass, Auto Repair & Service

About Us

  • Horsham, PA Auto Glass Macentee Auto Glass A broken windshield can go from being an annoyance to a really big problem in a hurry. If you have a small chip or a crack in your windshield, getting it repaired quickly is the best way to avoid having to replace the entire windshield. Chips, Cracks, Spiders Macentee Auto Glass is the expert in saving you money with chip and crack repairs before you need a replacement. We Can Service Anything With A Windshield Cars, trucks, SUVs, large equipment, we can replace the glass on any type of vehicle. Full Service Auto Glass Repair Or Replacement: Residential and commercial auto glass - Windshields, rear view mirrors and side mirrors, side windows, rear windows -Cracks, chips, spiders -Cars, trucks, and large equipment -Insurance claims -Fleet accounts We can service all types of vehicles from cars to large construction equipment and currently serve many auto repair / body shops and fleet services. We are committed to giving our customers service that will exceed their expectations.