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  • Categories: Copyright, Trademark & Patent Lawyers

About Us

  • About Us Patent law, like no other aspect of law, is rife with popularly-held misconceptions about fundamental notions of the practice. This lack of understanding has arisen partly because patent law requires an intimate familiarity with concepts of physical science and abstruse technologies. But another, perhaps more significant reason, for these misunderstandings is that patent law relies on a nucleus of highly sophisticated abstract, and seemingly peculiar, rules of the federal patent system. For these reasons, the United States Patent and Trademark Office requires lawyers practicing before it to have highly skilled technical or engineering degrees, as well as a certification confirming their expertise with the federal patent procedures. The Keaty Patent Firm is proud to offer that expertise to you. In securing a patent, considerable time, expense, and uncertainty are saved by placing the case in the hands of a registered patent attorney. We would be happy to meet with you to discuss how our firm can best help your needs during this exciting time, and look forward to visiting with you at one of our four national offices. We are always available by telephone to discuss the details of your unique situation, and are pleased to note that our initial consultations are always free of charge and held in the strictest confidence according to the firm ethical standards imposed on our legal practice.