Additional Information

  • Categories: Interior Designers, Kitchen Remodeling, General Contractors, Contractors
  • Languages: English
  • Services: Interior Design, Interior Decorating, Remodel, Kitchen Remodeling, Bathroom Remodeling, Custom Homes

About Us

  • Just Your Style wishes you to have the space you love, designed for yourself and your family, in a manner which pleases you. Working on a team in Marketing and Advertising, she soon understood that she would have to know something about what the engineers were doing in order to market the products being marketed. This became one of the key mediums of education for her. She learned how buildings had to be put together to accommodate their purpose. So, despite not having the education in architecture and anthropology she had hoped for, she got much of the educational material on the job. Marketing and advertising require an eye for how words, pictures, photographs look on a page, as well as an eye for color. Not many people have a literal “eye for color” which means, being able to see AND remember, more color than most people. Georgia was near thirty before she learned she had this precious gift. And, so their various homes during her husband’s education, including; a basement apt. she furnished “on a dime” (which later was subleased on the new tenants being allowed to purchase the furnishings entirely); a trailer (the same model as in the “Long, Long, Trailer with Lucille Ball and Design Arnaz), in which she tore all the fluorescent lighting out of the walls and replaced, re- tiling the kitchen and bath, in light grey, and painting the metal cabinets dark brown creating a pleasant, despite being VERY COZY, VERY CHEAP, place to live.