Additional Information

  • Year Established: 1975

About Us

  • JensenHayesShropshire, Architects, P.A. is a professional corporation which was re organized to its present form in January of 1996. The original firm began in November of 1975, and has been in continuous full time operation since. The firm enjoys a reputation for a progressive design attitude as evidenced by emphasis on efficient and interesting design solutions that responds to the local environment and specific client needs while integrating current innovations and sustainable concepts. The firm has had wide range experience in all aspects of the architectural profession. Projects completed by the firm include the North Blackfoot Rest Areas, Coldwater Hills & Massacre Rocks Rest Areas, Pocatello Regional Medical Center, The Med Center Plaza, ISU Student Union Building Cafeteria Remodel (1984), Serious Juvenile Offender Housing at Youth Services Center, St. Anthony, Observatory Building at Ricks College, Porter Printing Plant, Rexburg, Region Five Office, Idaho Department of Fish & Game, Business Incubation Center at ISU Research Park, BSU SUB Remodel & Addition, PRMC's Sports Medicine Center and PRMC's Child Care Center, and the Southeastern District Health Department. Recently , JHS has completed the state headquarters office building for Farm Bureau Insurance Company.